Functional Nutrition Counseling

Functional nutrition counseling is an approach to nutrition and wellness that goes beyond just addressing basic dietary needs. It involves assessing and addressing the interconnected systems within the body to understand and improve overall health. This approach recognizes that the body's various systems—such as the digestive, immune, hormonal, and detoxification systems—are interdependent, and imbalances in one area can affect the functioning of others.

The goal of functional nutrition counseling is to identify and address the root causes of health issues through personalized dietary recommendations.

Key Advantages

  • Personalized Guidance & Accountability: Customized nutrition plans designed to align with your individual health objectives, along with regular check-ups.
  • Managing Blood Sugar: Tracking food intake, maintaining a balance of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, engaging in physical activity, reducing stress, and improving sleep quality.
  • Education & Awareness: Learning about the nutritional value of all foods to help make long-lasting changes to your eating patterns.
  • Nutrient Optimization: Helps identify deficiencies and recommend foods, supplements and testing.
  • Allergen Management: If you have food sensitivities, allergies or intolerances, counseling can help you navigate your diet safely.
  • Mental Health: There is a growing recognition of the link between diet and mental health. Nutrition counseling can help address issues like mood swings, anxiety, depression and promote a balanced diet that supports brain health.
  • Healthier Lifestyle Overall: Nutrition counseling can be valuable to anyone looking to enhance their health, manage specific conditions, or achieve their dietary goals.


Discovery Call: Discuss the potential benefits of initiating a nutritional counseling program (complimentary)

Initial Assessment: 2 parts, $150

  • Part 1: Assessment appointment
  • Part 2: Follow-up appointment to provide personalized nutrition recommendations, along with customized resources and materials tailored to your specific requirements

Follow-up counseling: $60-$150 (time-based)

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